15. 11. 2015.

James Cutsinger
Advice to the Serious Seeker
[Video] Езотерични екуменизам; Хришћанство и перенијализам

Elemire Zolla 
The Runes and the Zodiac

Mircea Eliade 
A History of Religious Ideas:
From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries (Volume 1)
From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity (Volume 2)
From Muhammad to the Age of Reforms (Volume 3)
Occultism, Witchcraft, and Cultural Fashion: Essays in Comparative Religion
The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion

Frithjof Schuon
Echoes of Perennial Wisdom

Patrick Laude
Sketching the Perennial Religion
Shimmering Reality: The Metaphysics of Relativity in Mystical Traditions

Béla Hamvas

17. 10. 2015.

Jacques-Albert Cuttat


Federico González

The Symbolism of Calendars
(from Symbolism & Art)

Symbolic Image of the Cosmos

Precolumbian Mesoamerican Symbolism

Louis Dumont


The Caste System and Its Implications

Jean Hani


(Ed. Mateus Soares de Azevedo)

From The Pharaoh to The Most Christian King (excerpt)


15. 10. 2015.

Vladimir Lossky 
Христолошки и пневматолошки карактер Цркве
Саборно сазнање
Саборност као треће својство Цркве

On the Absence and Unknowability of God:
Heidegger and the Areopagite
Relational Ontology
Elements of Faith
Postmodern Metaphysics
The Meaning of Reality:
Essays on Existence and Communion, Eros and History
Person and Eros

Anthony Bloom 
Somatopsychic Techniques in Greek Orthodox Christianity

Guardians of the Sundoor: Late Iconographic Essays

[Video] His Name, His Destiny

[Video] Shakespeare's Spirituality: A Perspective

Црква у покрету
Christians and Muslims in the World

Католичност (саборност) Цркве

Велики раскол: Рим и Византија

Шта је богословље?
Православно поимање Светог Предања
Secular Psychotherapy and the Therapeutic Method of the Orthodox Church

Теорија романа

6. 6. 2015.

Ananda Coomaraswamy
Perception of the Vedas
Time & Eternity

[Video] Unpublished Interview (Fr/En 1971)
The doctrine of the race of the third level. Value of the symbol.
The eternal race.

On the Protocols of Zion

Човек и свето (разговор)
[Audio] Структура симбола

[Video] Imagination, Expression, Icon:
Reclaiming the Internal Prototype

Imperialism and Empire
The Western Use of Islamism

Свјетске религије

13. 5. 2015.

Primordial Meditation (selections)

[Video] Andrei Scrima în Liban (Ro, Fr, En)

Мој сусрет са Кодреануом
The Race of the Soul

Praying with the Body: The Hesychast Method and Non-Christian Parallels

Patristic Theology (excerpts)

Питања и недоумице (Quaestiones et dubia / кратак одломак)

Spirituality and Universality in Islam

[Audio] Dialogue Talk

18. 4. 2015.

From Primitives to Zen 
A Thematic Sourcebook of the History of Religions

[Audio] Islam and the Environment

Слово о егзистенцијализму

Paths of Return: Lectures on the World's Religions
My Last Lecture

The Group of Aryan Races (from Synthesis of Racial Doctrine)

[Video] The Sufi Way

Велика ризница предака

Knowledge of God according to St. Gregory Palamas

Aesthetics of Deification

Selected Writings

15. 2. 2015.

The Burning Bush Group and Father André Scrima in Romanian Spirituality (Athanasios Giocas, Paul Ladouceur)


Interview: All at Sea? (from The Musical Times)

Хиперионски есеји
Пет генија / Tabula Smaragdina
Невидљиво збивање / Silentium
Историја и апокалипса
Границе ишчезавају, зар не? (Сава Бабић)

О Бели Хамвашу

Размишљања о заоставштини Фритјофа Шуона

Зохар: Књига сјаја

The Way Things Are: Conversations with Huston Smith on the Spiritual Life

18. 1. 2015.

The Tradition and the Traditions:
The Confrontation of Religious Doctrines

[Video] The Wisdom of Faith with Huston Smith:
A Bill Moyers Special

Брига о животу
Антологија хумана: Пет хиљада година мудрости
Пут предака и пут богова

[Video] Сјећање на оца Серафима Роуза – Архим. Лукa (Анић)

Dragoš Kalajić

René Guénon

Universal Foundations of Islam